MFS Africa is Africa’slargest digital payments network
Targeted SDGs
Countries of coverage

London, UK (other offices: Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, South African, Uganda, United States of America, Tanzania)

Company Overview

MFS Africa is Africa’s largest digital payments network. MFS enables domestic and cross-border disbursements and collections across their network of networks. They provide their partners access to a borderless world of opportunities, connecting enterprises, mobile money operators, money transfer operators, banks, non-bank financial institutions, and online and offline merchants to each other and to more than 410 million mobile money wallets in over 35 African countries. “At MFS Africa, we believe that making a payment should be as easy as making a phone call.”

Impact Intentionality

By investing in MFS, our impact intentionality is centered on financial inclusion, which contributes to poverty alleviation, job creation and business innovation. We will monitor the progress of key indicators such as the number of mobile wallets across the African continent that are connected to the MFS backbone (or MFS Hub), the value of transaction enabled by the MFS Hub, and the number of MSMEs supported with payment and other financial services. We are fully aligned with MFS’ management on the tracking and the commitment to improve those metrics over our investment period. In addition, we will track MFS’s impact on gender equality by measuring the number of female customers and female-led MSMEs enabled by MFS, as well as the percentage of MFS female employees.

Press Release